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Do not try to share miracles with idiots, Woche 30, Tipp 105

Autorenbild: Ruth AschilierRuth Aschilier

Aktualisiert: 18. Juli 2022

... on of «Todays's dose of wisdom» von Dr. Dain Heer

Liebes wunderbares, unendliches Wesen

Es kann es keiner besser erklären als er selbst, der Co-Founder von Access Consciousness® Dr. Dain Heer und Simone Milasas aus Australien, die weltweit Business-Coordinatorin seit 20 Jahren. Da die beide nicht immer ganz einfach zu verstehen sind, habe ich zugewartet bis das neue Video mit deutschen Untertiteln (und ein paar mehr) versehen wurde.

The brand new Clearing statement O-Ton

(Original Ton) und hier ein Teil meines Transkripts:

We will talk about the most coolest things in the fricking world.

Some of probably heard of it or you heard it somewhere and sad chick it out, go the website it out: which is call the clearing statement.

And it is one of the coolest ways to change anything you’ve ever wanted to change in your life.

It’s a “no must, no fuss” It’s one of the biggest upgrades in personal development since we’ve had personal development.

I agree. And it’s not about trying to understand it. If you start using it and see how it starts to change your points of view that you have about things.

It starts to change the limitations, thoughts, feelings, and emotions that you have in PLANCE, THINKINGWHY AM I SO STUCK? Why I’m so stocked

This clearing statement is like magic – real magic…

Al that stuff, yuck, stuck, and what the fuck that you’ve been dealing with.

Guess what, there’s no way of changing it.

If you’re somebody who knows that you should be able to change the yucky, sticky stuff this actually starts to do it.

When you feel like you’re hitting your head against a brick wall.

And you know: “I should stop hitting my head against a brick wall”. But, but, but – but, hat on I’m going to keep doing it until “What!”

Clearing Statement – and BOOM!

So I’m going to run through it. Tell you the short form for it. Explain it because a lot of you think you need an explanation. And the funny part is a lot of you’re going to start listening to the explanation and thinking:

“oh, fuck it. I’m just going to use it!”

Und willst doch wissen was das alles soll?

Here we go

TIPP 105

(auf YouTube kannst Du unten rechts die Sprache der Untertitel auswählen)

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All of life comes to us with ease, joy, and glory®


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